Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flower Power Weekend

I spent the weekend making many things from Jennifer Paganelli's Flower Power fabrics. Those colors are so amazing to work with. Even my husband liked the colors! I made a random patchwork purse, baby blanket, doll blanket and onesie. I am going to make one for myself with all the scraps. The random patchwork is my favorite to sew. I decide on the overall dimensions and then just start piecing to create the width and length I need. It is a great way to use scraps. Usually I have a focus fabric that has all the colors I want to use and then build from there. No 2 purses come out the same. I really enjoy quilting it. It is a manageable size, unlike my queen duvet I recently finished. I have posted pictures on my flickr site. A link to it is on the sidebar. I listed a red & pink random patchwork in my store on friday because I sold the pink and brown one earlier this week.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Darla Fabrics

I have had a few orders lately requesting Tanya Whelan's Darla fabrics. I just love them! They look vintage and fresh and I love the different patterns within the colors- check, damask, floral, toile, small floral- really pretty. I have enjoyed every minute sewing with these fabrics. The quality is wonderful, too. I'm thankful I still have more orders to fill and can still work with them!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finally Done!

I have finally finished my bedroom quilted duvet. Yes, it was lots of work especially since it was hand quilted almost every night for the last few months. It really is one great memory. I enjoyed the relaxing time by the fire while my family and I watched old tv shows like "Combat" & "Get Smart". Sometimes Holly and I got to sneak in a decorating show here and there. Mostly, it was family time. I stitched everyone's initial on their own square, so they love to look for their letter. It turned out better than I thought and it gave me directions for my curtains. I don't know how many fabrics I used, but I know it was LOTS. I love scrappy quilts, I love combining fabrics, it was a labor of love. Hopefully, other people in my family will remember me by this. If not, my husband and I will stay warm and cozy under it for hopefully many years to come. He even likes it! Bonus!

Friday, March 6, 2009

"patchwork pretties" I really enjoyed looking for other patchwork examples on etsy. There is something about the multiple fabrics that excites me. I guess it is the interest it holds as you look at each fabric and how they work together. I posted a "spotlight" on called patchwork pretties. It was really fun. Go to the website and click on "spotlights" & scroll down until you see the title Patchwork Pretties.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I love aqua

I have purposely and accidentally been drawn lately to aqua fabrics. I finally let it loose and cut some of it up to make a purse for me 'n etsy and some scarves. I have had a good response to the aqua patchwork purse. It looks so spring-like and satisfies my love of aqua for now!