Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Can You Have Too Much Fabric??

Here is my fabric closet. Here is about 1/3 of what I have. Most people would say I have enough- and I have been told that! The problem is that Amy Butler, Sandi Henderson and Heather Bailey have new fabric lines coming out- as well as other amazing designers, and I just have to have it! I just placed a preorder for Amy Butler's Love fabric line due to arrive next week and I am so excited. I ordered it from I ordered it all! Where am I going to put it??Don't know. If you like any of the fabrics and want something made from it let me know! It's going to be fun to play with it! Here is the Amy Butler link to see all the amazing new fabric: http://


  1. I am very impressed by your organization!

  2. You the saying don't you?

    "She who dies with the most fabric wins".

    You beat me hands down LOL
    And gorgeous fabric btw... I am very tempted to get something made... what though? THAT is the question :)

  3. Wow, I love her new fabric! Awesome!!! I'm so jealous of your fabric stash, Monique!

  4. Don't worry you are not alone! I am so excited for the new fabrics to come out too. I can't tell you how much I am dying to go to quilt market! My fabric stash gets me into a lot of trouble with the hubby lol! So much to sew, so little time....fabric addicts unite!
