Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Presents

Now that Christmas is over and I have taken everything down & cleaned my house- I know its quick, but we set up thanksgiving weekend and the tree is DEAD. Christmas eve I finished gifts for my nieces, pictured above. For Holly, I bought a cupcake bear she has been wanting from http://talkproof.etsy.com/ and I made a mini quilt to match. You can tell by the big smile that she loves it and was totally surprised that I got it for her. That little bear goes everywhere with her!! I can't figure out how to type in between, so there you have it above. Dylan loves nutcrackers and army, so he got the combo from his grandparents. We had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did too. I am getting ready to make a quilt with Amy Butler's sage greens and pinks and hope to post pics soon.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nicey Jane Fabric

I love this new Nicey Jane fabric line from Heather Bailey. It just came in today. I brought it all upstairs to see which fabrics it matches, and I was so happy to find that it looks great with Tanya Whelan's Darla, lots of Jennifer Paganelli, Anna Maria Horner and Pop Garden looks great, too. You can see all the combinations I posted on my flickr sight. I have pinks as well, but really love these blues and greens!!http://flickr.com/photos/sewfunbymonique

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Santa

http://fatquartershop.com/ is asking what people want for Christmas. You must know by now that all I really want is fabric! How did they know? So, here is my letter I am forwarding to fqs:

Dear Santa,

I would really love any and all fabric from Fat Quarter Shop, however, I am particularly partial to the new line from Patty Young called Flora & Fauna. Here is a link to the listing so you have easy access: http://http//www.fatquartershop.com/store/stores_app/Browse_Item_Details.asp?Shopper_id=96941218121509694&Store_id=499&page_id=23&Item_ID=36106&Parent_Ids=

Thanks for thinking about the adults!



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Meadowsweet Picnic

I just got in lots of new Meadowsweet fabric from Sandi Henderson. It is just gorgeous! It reminds me of a picnic. The good news is that it coordinates with previous lines such as Farmers Market and Ginger Blossom. I love getting new fabrics and seeing what I can pull out from other designers to make the combos sparkle. I think my favorite is the blush colorway- the one with the pink plaid. It looks so sweet together! Which one do you like? I have more combos to take pics of , so I'm going to go play with my fabrics! :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cookie Swap

Sorry to not post frequently, but my computer is in the garage, and the garage is not heated, therefore, I avoid it! My son has a computer in the house and I use it during the day, but my pics are on my computer. Whats a blog post w/out pics?? So what have I been up to? I have been sewing like mad to finish up everyones orders that need to be there by Christmas. My daughter turned 12 on December 3, so we had a party for her and my annual Cookie Swap was on Friday night. I look forward to it every year, but especially this one because it gets harder and harder to spend time with your friends now that the kids are older and we don't see each other at school (drop off vs walking home) or at a moms group, etc. Every year there is a different group of people depending on everyone's schedule. This year we had great cookies, as usual- sugar plums (on the red platter), the sprinkled ones next to it were so yummy- a combination of those frosted animal crackers with CRANBERRIES inside!! Also, gingerbread men, frosted lemon, hazelnut coconut, peanut butter chocolate and more. Holly and I each made a recipe- I did peppermint thumbprints and she did peppermint frosted chocolate cookies. They were from the cookie magazine- I believe from Better Homes & Gardens with the cookie sheet pictured on the front. Both winners in my book! Hope you are enjoying the season as well!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Cyber Monday special: enter Monday in notes to seller at checkout and I will refund the shipping charges on any in stock item in my store. Free shipping applies to anyone in the world! :) Have fun internet shopping! Lotsa great deals out there!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We get to go on vacation for a few days, so thought I'd just post a fun photo from the weekend. My son made a grappling hook and attached it to the pine tree in the school yard behind our house over the weekend (its removable). They have been having the best time on it. Hope you have this much fun this week! :) Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Free Motion Quilting

This quilt has been so fun to stitch together! I tried the spray baste so that the annoying safety pins wouldn't be in the way, and it has worked like a charm. This mom wanted her daughters name in the quilt, so I am going to try to embed it in different places- kind of like a treasure hunt! It feels so good to be back quilting. I love how things just POP out and the quilt looks cozier with each stitch. Hope to finish this today, but I'm not rushing through it! Click on the picture to see the stitching closer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Fabric Option

I am always looking for cute prints for boys. I love Ellen Crimi-Trent's new line called Woodland Friends. Her prints are adorable!! Whats great is that she has an etsy shop where she sells her prints so you can coordinate with the fabrics! http://etsy.com/shop/EllenCrimiTrent

Monday, November 9, 2009

Beautiful Purples!

I am in love with these blanket tops! I couldn't wait to get a picture & send them to the future owners. My husband put up a new clothesline for me this weekend as the pergola doesn't get much sun in the winter. I just wish we had grass instead of cement. We have a smallish back yard and it is mostly pool. I was being careful not to fall in while taking the pictures!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Pictures

Well, I got away this year without making costumes! :) I love sewing, but the costumes my kids want tend to be difficult. The very first jacket I made was when Dylan wanted to be a civil war soldier. That was really hard putting in sleeves & epilets (can't remember what they're called). Actually, my first costume was when he wanted to be a king in kindergarten and I made this really cool cape that was red sequined on one side and gold lame on the other with a gold tie. The base was basically a black satin dress with gold lame rick rack trim. Several years in a row he was Jack Sparrow and the last year we hunted to make one of those really long coats that Jack wore & it had a split in the back & was lined. I think after I made that one, quilts seemed easy and maybe that's when I thought I had 'arrived' sewing wise. Well, I hadn't, but it was definately a feather in my cap. Holly's costumes have been easier. I have made her costumes for an angel, pioneer girl, asian kimono. This year, Holly wanted to be Alice in Wonderland, and we found this cute one at Party City. Dylan loves being anything military & he had all this stuff anyway from playing airsoft. Great timing since I am sewing so much. Didn't need to fit the costume in this year. Hope yours was fun! Did anyone sew anything fun??

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Love My New Camera!

I am so happy with my new camera! I bought a Canon Powershot SX and love it! I just finished making 4 really large throws for a very sweet family and took millions of photos. I chose a close up of the one I posted in progress on an earlier post, but there are more posted on flickr. I have some great Halloween ones of my kids I will post in a couple of days. Enjoy!

Monday, October 26, 2009


I feel very 'on fire' about something today, so wanted to share. I just want to encourage everyone to start TODAY finding out how you can help someone, some organization- especially with the holidays starting. I know we are all so 'busy', but there has to be something you can do if you plan now. For me, the obvious choice would be to sew something since I do that 24/7- well, maybe 20/7! :) I found an organization here in Ventura County called 'My Stuff Bags' based in Westlake Village, CA. A customer of mine sent me a link to http://crafthope.com/ both of these organizations provide blankets for people in need. They can be a quilt, or for My Stuff Bags they give a tutorial on a fleece blanket. It would be a great project for the kids- no sew. If sewing or crafting isn't your 'thing'- find something that is. My goal was to use scraps from my blankets to sew up blankets for foster kids and I am the first to admit I am sorely lacking. I only have 3 in the pile, but hey, it's a start! Once I get to 5, I will send them off and I just pray they will be a small source of comfort to someone. There are so many people who will be without this season. However you are blessed, share it with someone. Some people give money, others talents, others have just their time to give, to serve. If we all do our part, we can help so many! I was so wonderfully reminded in church yesterday, "There are many different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." 1Corinthians12:6

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love Plum!

I have been collecting plum and purple fabrics to make a throw for my shop and when I got Amy Butler's new line, Love, I completed this. There is something about purple that just makes me happy. When my garden is in full bloom, most of the flowers are a shade of purple. I have a dark purple and lavender rose. There is the obvious lavender and mexican sage. When my red flame grapes are in season, the color is amazing. You can see my wintering grape vine in the photo as well. I will be listing this in my shop later today.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Random Patchwork

This is what I worked on today. Do you ever feel like the day is over and what did you accomplish? Well, this is show and tell for me! I am making XXL patchwork and minky throws for the sweetest person! This is number one. It is flowers & fairies in peaches, corals, greens and a little purple. When I started putting it together on my (just cleaned) floor, it looked blah, so I ran upstairs and pulled out the new Amy Butler line that has corals and greens in it as well as the melon background with white flowers (don't know the designer). It added the pop I wanted and balanced the colors. I am really happy with it now and am excited to sew it up! This is one of the many times that having a HUGE fabric stash "pays off"!! You can see my notebook in the corner. Its my low-tech way of figuring out a pattern. Every blanket seems to be a different size, so I sit down with my graph paper and map it out. This way if I get off track, I can check the arrangement after seams are sewn and pressed. I often sew a little, do laundry, sew a little, help with homework, etc. I would go batty trying to keep myself on track each time. I do think after 40 its harder to do that! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Break

Okay, I'm still trying to figure out the photo thing on blogger, so sorry
scattered! I am always inspired by a trip to the pumpkin patch with the kids. When they were in preschool and kindergarten the class went every year and I got bored of it all. Now I look forward to it and appreciate it because I can venture on my own and so can the kids. I can catch some pics of them posing and natural. The colors are always beautiful- greens, oranges, yellows, browns. Even the Cheapy camera- didn't get one yet- takes great photos there. It was a nice break from the busy-ness of life.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Amy Butler Fabric Combos

I just got the new Love fabric from Amy Butler a few days ago and had so much fun seeing what other fabrics I already had that would match. The first picture is a beautiful fabric called Momento with a dark plum background. It looked great with Anna Maria Horner's Dance Floor & Patty Young's Gothic Arch. #4 is called Sunspots and is similar to her older Full Moon Dots, but more playful. In the pic on the right, I love the Periwinkle Paradise (large middle floral) paired with Momento again in midnight above and Cypress Paisley below. It looks great with Jennifer Paganelli's Kat Stripe in blue and Sally in Orange as well as Anna Maria Horner's Mingling Rose in ice- and there's those Sunspots in tangerine. It's so fun to add a new fabric line to the mix. I was glued to Twitter over the weekend looking at all the quilt market tweets and pics. New fabrics that are amazing from Heather Bailey, Paula Prass, Anna Maria Horner and more!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Need a New Camera!

Behold one of the most beautiful & vibrant quilts I've made and notice how it doesn't look vibrant!! I broke my cheapy camera- which worked pretty well- I dropped it! :( This is my daughter's cheapy and it is cheapy! So, I've started shopping for a new camera and want to know if you like yours! I have been partial to Canon. I owned a SureShot in my college years and bought a Rebel just before I really used digital. I am thinking a digital Rebel or PowerShot. What's your opinion??

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Can You Have Too Much Fabric??

Here is my fabric closet. Here is about 1/3 of what I have. Most people would say I have enough- and I have been told that! The problem is that Amy Butler, Sandi Henderson and Heather Bailey have new fabric lines coming out- as well as other amazing designers, and I just have to have it! I just placed a preorder for Amy Butler's Love fabric line due to arrive next week and I am so excited. I ordered it from http://MaterialGal.etsy.com. I ordered it all! Where am I going to put it??Don't know. If you like any of the fabrics and want something made from it let me know! It's going to be fun to play with it! Here is the Amy Butler link to see all the amazing new fabric: http://http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/products/fabrics_love.php

Friday, September 18, 2009

New Feature in My Shop

I have decided to add over 150 photos that are numbered under "palettes" to hopefully make choosing fabric easier in my shop. You purchase the fabric grouping (you can't list free on etsy- 20 cents is cost) with your custom item and can tell me you don't want # 7 included or what ever you like! I plan to do a few each day as it will take a long time. I think its easier than going back and forth between flickr and the shop. The above fabrics I just got in called "Apple" from Timeless Treasures. I posted 20 different fabrics to mix and match. So much from my "stash" coordinated so well- especially Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market line. Hope its easier! Thanks to all of you who have purchased from me before. Everyone is so amazingly nice. I tell you I have a dream job!! I am at sale #99, I can't believe it. I started last August. This business is such a blessing!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I am definately ready to sew some fall colors! I have been washing and drying my newest purchases. I have figured out that hanging the fabrics on a clothesline gets most of the wrinkles out because ironing IS NOT FUN. At least not for me. I am planning on making some Christmas colored throws to sell, but not sure about fall. If you are reading this blog, I would love your opinion. Do you think people buy seasonal colored throws or just match their decor? My house has fall colors, so I tend to buy more things then because they match what I already have. I have dark red, olive green and wheat colors so Christmas colors look great. What about Christmas throws with non traditional colors- in other words- they would match YOUR decor, but look like Christmas?? I would love to hear from you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

End of Summer

I can hardly believe the kids go back to school this week! We went to Santa Barbara for my daughter's soccer tournament this past weekend and took a break between games to feel the sand between our toes and cold water at our ankles. The lighting was perfect because it was slightly overcast. It rained a little, was cold, then super-hot. Southern CA's summer weather has been so different this year. Most days are in the high 70's. Usually in August its in the 90's- It's been great!! I can't believe I am starting to wash my Christmas fabric to make some Christmas throws to make. The start of school always signals me to begin Christmas projects. I'm glad we got some beach time in!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Photos

I decided to take a new photo for my avatar in various places. A much farther-looking photo that doesn't accentuate the negatives. Also, I love the idea of a quilt background. The one in the background is one waiting to be sent out and I absolutely love the colors, so there you have it. I got a couple of pics of my daughter and her friend, mother-daughter and just me. I am somewhat happy with mine since they are farther away, and I think it conveys bright, cheerful, summer. What do you think?? I think our Christmas pic this year might need to be a Christmas quilt in the background. Fun thoughts already for December!! We have one week left till the kiddos go back to school then I can get back to a normal schedule. The countdown begins. It has been a great summer!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meghan Peasant Pattern

I just had to blog about a new pattern I tried called the Meghan Peasant.I enjoy sewing quilts & purses, but tend to stay away from clothing. The patterns can be too confusing, but this pattern just called to me because it is so versatile- short sleeve top, long sleeve top, short sleeve dress, long sleeve dress. I have to admit I was drawn to it because there are no zippers! It is a collaboration between Jennifer Paganelli (one of my fav fabric designers) and Carla Crim, the Scientific Seamstress. This is what I love about this pattern:

*Multiple options

*Multiple sizes 0-3XX

*Downloadable- you could start it right now!

* Lots of directions & pictures- there was no confusion!

* Totally customizable the whole way: how deep the neckline, how long the "skirt"

*Photos of others who made this on flickr http://www.flickr.com/groups/scientificseamstress/pool/

I used all Jennifer Paganelli fabrics: Elizabeth Rose Ice on the bodice, Leann stripe on the "skirt", Casey Scroll on the sleeves. I omitted the elastic on the end of the sleeves because I liked the look when I tried it on. I cut the "skirt" 14" to have a shorter look. I am just so happy how it came out. However, I am just not photogenic, so I cropped my head. My son said, "Wow! You made that mom?" and he also was the one who took the pics of me and agreed with the crop! I am wearing the necklace he made me for my bday. Where to find all this cuteness? but here is where I downloaded the pattern: http://youcanmakethis.com/. The pattern-maker's blogs: http://scientificseamstress.blogspot.com/ and http://jenniferpaganelli.typepad.com/ and the photographer extraordinaire: http://brassyapple.blogspot.com/ I will definately make this again and again. I'm sure when my daughter gets home from a vacation with her friend, she will want one too!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Quick Visit

I made a quick visit to my brothers house with Holly and enjoyed my time there so much. I also got to visit my 92 yr old grandma, Busia as we call her in Polish, who asked if I could bring her chicken nuggets and fries from McDonalds. She is hilarious. There was a time she held the record for most Big Macs eaten. The story is told for future generations to admire! :) Right now she was content with chicken nuggets!!! While I was staying at my brother and my sweet sis in law's house I made curtains and a pillow for my niece's room to match the throw I had made her for her bday. I tell you I am in the right business because I was super excited to sew on my visit. My sis in law does sew, and shes really good at it, but its not a priority for her. I was glad to help her out! I used Amanda Fleur in aqua and Flower Mural in brown for the curtains. The pillow is also the Flower Mural. Sheri made the runner on the nightstand with the Flower Mural and a small strip of Marie in aqua in the middle. All fabrics by Jennifer Paganelli. I am sad that I only got a pic of Holly with 1 beautiful cousin as she has 2 more who were in the other room! I guess as usual I got overexcited to take the pic and forgot!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bday Gifts Made with Love

These are the handmade gifts from my kids for my birthday! My daughter made the sachet filled with lavender from our garden. I am really proud of her sewing skills and use of wonder under. I keep this next to my bed to remind me of her and I can smell the lavender! My son is amazing with polymer clay and he made this pendant for me to match the fabric from Jennifer Paganelli- Loopy Vintage Turquoise. My daughter told him it was my favorite fabric! I have been wanting to make a summer skirt with the fabric, but always put stuff for me off. Now I have an incentive as I want to wear the coordinating necklace! :) I love these gifts so much and will always cherish them!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pajama Girl

I really love making pajamas. They are so quick and so much cuter than what I can buy! My daughter loves this aqua color by Jennifer Paganelli- Casey Scroll and Pinwheel Stripe. All of her friends get pajamas this year. I figure that if I cycle through I will get everyone- then I need to come up with something new next year. One of MY friends wants them- but in pants for her bday- so she will be easy this year!

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Favorite Colors

Aqua and fuschia are my favorite colors right now. I was itching to make a blanket with those- especially since I picked up a BUNCH of both fuschia and aqua minky. These fabrics- mostly Jennifer Paganelli- just sing! My daughter has tagged this as her favorite so far, but it seems that changes, too. I am grateful that she has the fabric bug at 11 and knows how to coordinate colors. I like to ask her opinion when posting colors and often she will say, "My favorite is this one, I don't like that one." I am making pajama shorts with applique tshirts as gifts for her friends' bdays and always have her pick the fabrics and coordinate. A sewer in training! :) I want to do a totally aqua patchwork blanket next.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kids Summer Party Tutorial

Here is my first tutorial and it isn't even about sewing! However, had to include fabric in the pic because it matched! :) I have been thinking about how to label soda cans for my sons 14 party. We always end up with cans with no owners. This is no earth shattering idea, just a mom's way of organizing (and lets face it, make things cuter!) I hate to call it a tutorial because you can probably figure out how to do it by looking at it, but I thought it would be fun. I started to think that I could use these when kids come over and get a cup and forget whose is whose or even my own kids during the day. I always end up with lots of cups at the end of the day. I am at least trying to figure this problem out! Here's what you need: rubber bands, masking tape, sharpies. Write the name on the tape, fold on itself while attaching to the rubber band~ voila! You can see my learning curve- 'Holly' came out better than 'Dylan' because I neatly folded the end over! I had hoped to put photos in between words, but it wasn't working. I have more work to do to figure out this tutorial thingy!