Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dream Dining Room & Blog Linking

I have recently been reading a blog I love called . She has an awesome blog that she writes and the other thing I love are the links to other blogs~ I could link away the day on her blog! Somehow I linked today, and linked again and saw this picture on this blog: which linked me to Do you ever do that? You keep linking and you can't remember where the link orginally came from, but all of the sudden you found this amazing blog! Anyway, I fell in love with this dining room. We (stupidly) went to an open house this weekend and found a house I COMPLETELY FELL IN LOVE WITH~ but too expensive! :( The dining room layout looked just like the one above with big windows & a door out to the patio. The same wall would house my china hutch, it just all matched. This is the fabric from Jennifer Paganelli I would pick for the drapes: I've given up in moving pics on my blog, so a link to the fabric is all I'll do for now. So all I can do is dream about where I would put the furniture and how I would decorate this perfect house for me & my family. It's fun to dream! Have fun blog linking!!!


  1. Isn't it divine!! I too am in love!

  2. oooo how nice is that dining room... but alas for me, my boys would destroy it in a few seconds lol. But we can all dream

  3. Thank you for such sweet words. :o)
    I could sit all day and jump from one blog to the next. :o) Such creative sweet inspiration out there. :o)
    Hoping your day is a lovely one.
