Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fabrics Cut

This is what I accomplished yesterday: all patchwork cut out for the random patch quilt. I cut squares & rectangles that will be a finished size of 4X4, 4X6, 4X8, 4X12, 6X6, 6X8, 8X8. I should really count how many I need of each, but I am really a 'fly by the seat of your pants' kind of person. I just put all the extra pieces in baggies label with the above dimensions and use them in another project when needed. Sometimes I cut extra 8X8 as that is my most popular patchwork size. I have ziplocs labeled 'pink' 'green' etc that are all 8X8 size. I figure while I'm cutting, I can cut a few extra and have a quicker piecing session in the future. Up next, placing the patches artistically.


  1. I'm a fly by the seat of my pants kinda gal tooo... see really you are just being organised for future projects :)

    Such pretty fabric!

  2. Awesome! That looks just like the one you made me for my Evelyn! SO BEAUTIFUL! I just love looking at it! Sorry, I still haven't given you any pictures or feedback...the room is STILL not finished...hopefully really soon...
