Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Bday Present

I haven't made myself a patchwork purse in such a long time! I squeezed in this orange, pink & aqua combo that I am just in love with! I got the Dena fabric from Jamie & just got in the Nest fabric from Valori Wells through link to the right. Her birds are just gorgeous. I've had Glam Garden from Josphine Kimberling that I bought at & of course Jennifer Paganelli's Amanda Fleur & Kat Stripe in orange that just glows! I added a little Amy Butler & Sandi Henderson. I'm going to post this fabric combination in my shop since I love it so much, I figure some one else might, too! Hope you are having a great 4th of July weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday!! I love this combination, it's gorgeous! I'm in love with the Glam Garden line too.

  2. Happy Birthday!! :o) What a fun way to celebrate. Your purse is fabulous!
    I am trying a little something new on my blog if you would like to drop by. There is no pressure, it was just a little idea I had and wondered how it would work out.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia
