Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crib Set Request

I had an unusal request for this crib bedding~ use the colors & style of my logo (you can see it in my blog title)! Samantha also wanted me to choose all the fabrics, but include 2 strips of the same fabric on all items to tie them together. I still have the quilt to make which will include more fabrics, but I don't have to get that finished for another month. I can tell you I had SO MUCH FUN picking everything out and sewing it up! A snippet of Elizabeth Rose in ice (main fabric on skirt) is in my logo, (with Jennifer Paganelli's permission!) so I based everything around those colors.


  1. And that would be the crib bedding I would have chosen for my girl!

  2. I'm always right behind Jenny in the kudos department..lovely!!!!

  3. I am sure that this isn't any surprise to you, but I LOVE IT!

    How weird that someone I've never met has crib bedding to match my nappy bag here in Aus?

    What wonderful taste in fabric though.
