Monday, February 21, 2011

Dresden with Sis Boom Fabrics

This is my first Dresden Plate block ever! I am having so much fun with it! I've been wanting to play with my new Honey Child fabrics, so I figured this is a great way to mingle them with other lines Jennifer has. I won't tell you yet what this will eventually be, but something fun! :) I used the pattern from Anna Maria Horner's Handmade Beginnings book from the Center of Attention Quilt. Some of my points didn't get as pointy as I'd like, but I'm sure I had some error in sewing them. I was really careful about the 1/4" per Anna's recommendation. We'll see if it lies flat when I'm done. So far, so good!


  1. Okay so this is a dresden that would look lovely on beds on a sunporch! I have to post later this week the dresden I am doing and almost have done....but it is in 30's reproduction fabric yours is more my style now a days! Lovely. can't wait to see the quilt. I will post my unfinished quilts later in the week hope you come see my UFO madness!!

  2. I have never made a Dresden but I really want to.. So pretty.
