Thursday, February 3, 2011


The ripple effect of adding on 2 rooms to our house is that you want to redo the other rooms! My family room has similar colors to the wip above, but is darker. I want to brighten it up with a lighter paint and livelier fabrics. I started with Amy Butler's Twilight Peony in saffron and started adding fabrics from there. I am fussy cutting the Cameo fabric from Parisville as the face on that fabric doesn't go with my theme, but maybe I'll add one just for fun. :) This is going to have to go on the back burner for awhile as I am overloaded with orders that were due YESTERDAY :O and my sewing room should be ready to paint a week from this weekend!!!! So, I've got to crank for the next week in order to have time to paint it and speed up the process of moving from the dining room to my new room. I can hardly fall asleep at night with all the thoughts I would like to implement in my creative space!!!!!

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