Thursday, July 7, 2011

Spice Market Tote

I made these last week, the day before I left for vacation for my SIL and for me. I gave her the Love tote & I made mine out of Soul Blossoms with the inside in AMH Maybe in tangerine. I love the cool/warm color combo! Overall, it was a fun pattern, I made the larger tote. I will probably make the smaller one as well. Here is my experience: the pattern calls for attaching interfacing TWICE to the exterior & interior panels. It sounded like too much for me, so those totes are singly interfaced. They hold up well in my experience so far. The straps don't call for interfacing, which I was surprised, but I like because then they are floppy and don't weigh the bag down. My own personal problem with this size is that there is only 1" difference between the length and width and I got the positioning wrong, so make sure you identify & mark top so that you don't do that. Its easy to get it mixed up. On both bags my lining was either smaller or larger than the outside either due to the mix up or??? So that was a bummer! I used the laminated Sandlewood print for my SIL with straps & lining in the regular cotton. I like the stiffness it gave in addition to the interfacing. Overall, a make again~ it was fairly quick to put together, would make great Christmas gifts if I can be that organized this year!


  1. Really cute bags! I love the tangerine/green bag, so fresh and bright!

  2. You did a beautiful job!! :o)

  3. Hello
    I love to visit your blog, you inspire me.
    comes when you want to make a quick visit to his Brazilian friends.
    a hug
