Sunday, November 6, 2011

Little Apples & Ruby Tote

I decided I needed a small tote bag to carry & keep my current Bible study materials in. I'm studying Beth Moore's Psalms of Ascent every other Tuesday~ I highly recommend it! I fell in love with Little Apples by Aneela Hoey & ordered the charm pack to drool on it for a while before the yardage became available. Ruby by Bonnie & Camille is another 'must have' & I noticed how great they looked together, so I decided to make a quilted tote bag out of the charm packs & then ordered yardage when it came out for the straps and inside pockets. The interior is from Bliss, a previous Bonnie & Camille line. I used interfacing for the interior & batting for the front and back with straight line stitching. Super easy & cute! :)


  1. Love the bag Monique! I wouldn't have thought of mixing these 2 collections, but it totally works! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. Love the bag and excited you are enjoying a nice bible study class!!
    Have fun.

  3. Oh what a precious bag to carry your bible and bible study. That study is one of my favorites by Beth Moore. :o)
    Sincerely, Trish
