Thursday, February 28, 2013

Some Recent Finishes

 Random Patchwork quilt I will soon be working on

 Circa purse for me!

Flannel quilt for chemo

My new fav combo using golden browns and honey

So, I wanted to post something back to sewing somewhat. All of the above are recent finishes or soon to be. I love the random patchwork quilts and the first photo is a fabric group I'll be working with for a custom order. Love the finished combo Betty & I worked on. Next, my Circa purse, cause I needed a new one. Always patchwork! :) Third pic: during my first chemo I was cold & they had these nice, sterile white blankets to cover me, but I thought Anna's flannels along with the cute coffee & donuts munki munki flannel and a Sandi Henderson would brighten things up. I'm going to try to finish 2 more to hopefully give out to my 'neighbors' during chemo on Tuesday. The last blanket will go in my shop, but I really really love the combo and want to keep it! It's Jennifer, Anna Maria & Tina Givens. It really glows! 


  1. It's great to see all the colorful projects you're surrounding yourself with. Love that Circa purse too!

    Praying for you and yours.

  2. Love how you color your world! Beautiful work! Praying...hang in there!

  3. I'm so glad you're sewing up such awesome things. LOVE the purse, I really need to make me one of those. also digging that you'll be sharing quilts with fellow patients, that's oh so sweet.
