Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lucky Girl!!!

I was so excited when Jennifer sent me Lucky Girl, her upcoming fabric line that is due out in September. It has a very vintage feel with some gorgeous contrast with navy blue to set of the pinks, light blues and teal greens.

I tried to use a different pattern, but in the end I still love the random patchwork where the fabric can be the star. I did longer pieces this time, cut at 6.5x12.5 in order to get the full visual of some of the prints. I loved making the inital pillow. I did 'P' for Paganelli since I was sending it to Jennifer, but I need to make one for myself now!

Update on my health: I ended up having a double mastectomy to just be rid of everything once and for all and so now I don't feel like I'm wondering what will show up next on my mammogram. I had found a pre cancerous growth in the 'other' side, so now I have a peace of mind about it all. I hope to be 100% back by the end of the year. I still keep my shop open taking custom orders as I see I can fit. It's great therapy! The Lord has blessed me with such wonderful customers! I just celebrated 5 years on Etsy earlier this month. Hope to blog more, if not, follow me on instagram under sewfunbymonique.


  1. the new Lucky girl quilt and cushion are fabulous and the random works brilliantly. A huge hug and best wishes as you recover. x

  2. Lucky Girl makes for some bright combinations of Sis Boom Love. I'm so glad you had a chance to play with this early!

    Sending you lots of good wishes and many prayers for your continued recovery.

  3. Hi Monique! So glad to see you're still creating beautiful quilts! The new fabric line looks like a lot of fun to work with. Can't wait to get my hands on some of it when it comes out. My healing thoughts and wishes go out to you and your family for a complete recovery! You GO Girl!!

  4. Beautiful quilt as always! Love the pillow. So glad to hear you're feeling good about your health, peace of mind is so important. Just looked through your recent etsy sales, you're on fire!
