I have decided to add over 150 photos that are numbered under "palettes" to hopefully make choosing fabric easier in my shop. You purchase the fabric grouping (you can't list free on etsy- 20 cents is cost) with your custom item and can tell me you don't want # 7 included or what ever you like! I plan to do a few each day as it will take a long time. I think its easier than going back and forth between flickr and the shop. The above fabrics I just got in called "Apple" from Timeless Treasures. I posted 20 different fabrics to mix and match. So much from my "stash" coordinated so well- especially Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market line. Hope its easier! Thanks to all of you who have purchased from me before. Everyone is so amazingly nice. I tell you I have a dream job!! I am at sale #99, I can't believe it. I started last August. This business is such a blessing!!