I got an email from Amy Butler the other day, well, her newsletter email, not from her personally! She's having a show me your stash contest and so I thought I have a nicely organized stash, so I'll enter. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to see other people's fabric stashes. When I originally posted my Wall of Wow fabric stash on flickr, I had lots of response! Currently have 1,730 views, 33 comments and 60 favorites. We love to see what others have! I get lots of comments like it looks like a store or I need to show my husband because he thinks I have too much fabric~ I'm glad to enable more fabric buying! :) To be honest, my husband breaks out in a cold sweat when he starts looking at what I have and asks, "How many thousands of dollars do we have invested in fabric?" and I really try to change the subject! Honestly, I do have more than I need and I've tried to destash, but that just takes time to do that I currently don't have, so I try to list a yard here and there in my destash shop. I have more to list eventually . . . Anyway, go to the flickr group with your photo and post it and you could win Gypsy Caravan, patterns, books from Amy Butler. (I hope I get extra points for my stash amount, but it is a random selection!) It's fun seeing how others organize their fabric and it is supposed to be a picture of you, too!:)
Between Promises
4 weeks ago